Cut Down the Chaos: How SwimTopia Simplifies Managing Volunteers

cut down the chaos how swimtopia simplifies managing volunteers

Volunteers are the backbone of any swim meet, ensuring the event runs smoothly and efficiently. From timers and stroke judges to concessions attendants and check-in helpers, each role contributes to creating a well-organized environment where athletes can focus on their performance. Volunteers help manage logistics, maintain fairness, and keep the meet on schedule, all of […]

Boost Efficiency with Job Templates: How to Create, Apply, and Update in SwimTopia

Boost Efficiency with Job Templates

Just like meet templates, Job Templates allow you to pre-define volunteer roles and shifts. These templates can be reused for each event, reducing the time spent organizing jobs for parents and volunteers. How to Use Job Templates 1. Create a New Job Template If you’re starting from scratch: We suggest reviewing the following article Jobs […]

Team Topia for Non-Swim Teams: referrals and more!

SwimTopia has long been a player in the summer swim world. Combined with Meet Maestro, our swim meet management software, SwimTopia’s comprehensive package of team management features covers your bases. From registration to communications to volunteer organization, there isn’t much SwimTopia can’t do for summer swim teams. Recently, SwimTopia has started to make its way […]