SwimTopia Presents: Options for Per Athlete Fee Collection

SwimTopia is comprised of both current and former parent volunteers. As such, we know the work it takes to run an entire swim team. SwimTopia aims to make swim team management as painless as possible for hardworking parents, coaches and officials. We take customer suggestions to heart and do our best to implement those suggestions […]

The High School Swim Team Experience

Swimming is certainly one of the best youth sports on the market. With its low-impact cardio and a muscular component (a full body workout!), swimming helps youngsters tackle goal-setting, introduces the idea of “teamwork” both in practice and competition settings, and provides a social outlet. Further, once our young athletes reach the middle/high school age, […]

SwimTopia Makes Fundraising Easier Than Ever

Fundraising has long been central to the success of swim team culture. Whether involved in high school, club, or summer rec swimming, swim parents are very familiar with the concept of fundraising. In fact, ensuring an influx of cash is critical to the operations of swim teams across the country. With this in mind, SwimTopia […]

Announcing New Competition Category Terminology

This summer, to address the continually evolving awareness of gender identity in sport, SwimTopia is updating the terminology used in our products from “Gender” to “Competition Category.” This change more clearly reflects the intended use of “Male” and “Female” labels in our products: for the purposes of competitive classification and not as an indication of […]

SwimTopia Presents: Favorite Summer Swim Team Memories!

It’s here, it’s here! The best time of the year is really, truly almost here! And what time of year is that, you may ask? Summer swim season of course! This idyllic summer activity, known for its colorful ribbons, zany team cheers, and sharpie body art, has finally come once more. Coaches are gearing up […]