New Feature Alert: League Record Books!
Here at SwimTopia, we take pride in our customer support. Our customers mean everything to us and that’s why we strive to be the best, both in our product’s quality but also the unparalleled support that goes with it. The attention to customer needs also means we consistently listen to feedback. We want your product […]
Embrace Your Inner Kid with Grown Up Swimming
Who doesn’t remember the glorious annual escapade that was summer swim team? Matching team suits, quirky and ritualistic cheers, colorful ribbons, crispy burnt shoulders, the everpresent whiff of sunscreen, and the uplifting feeling of team spirit. Summer swim. We at SwimTopia fondly remember our own summers spent racing for our local teams, whether we were […]
YES! SwimTopia Integrates with HY-TEK Meet Manager
Switching swim team management systems can be scary. You’ve gotten used to your current system and you’re worried about learning something new. However, you may also be worried about losing precious historic data. Swim teams are built on tradition, results and, of course, data (a.k.a. time history). How are we to know if our swimmers […]
New Year, New Perspective on Resolutions!
Another year, another new start. There’s something inviting about the turnover of the year- we are invited to introspect and assess both the highs and lows of the previous 365 days. Often, we begin the year with New Year’s Resolutions- pledges on what to “do better” this time. Here at SwimTopia we certainly don’t dissuade […]
Decoded: The Individual Medley V. the Medley Relay
Entering the summer swim world is exciting and presents many opportunities for athletes and their parents alike. For swimmers, summer team is a social outlet that also helps develop athletic skills, goal-setting, and teamwork. For parents, summer swim is a great way to create a community and gain leadership experience via volunteer roles. Part of […]
SwimTopia Presents: Summer Para Swim Star Kate Alexander
A competitor and Junior Coach for the Western Oaks Dolphins summer swim team in Austin, Texas, 13-year-old swimmer Kate Alexander first began swimming at age 8. She was quick to fall in love with the sport, enjoying the hard work and the enduring friendships she built on her team. Despite eventually also joining a year-round […]
Team Topia for Non-Swim Teams: referrals and more!
SwimTopia has long been a player in the summer swim world. Combined with Meet Maestro, our swim meet management software, SwimTopia’s comprehensive package of team management features covers your bases. From registration to communications to volunteer organization, there isn’t much SwimTopia can’t do for summer swim teams. Recently, SwimTopia has started to make its way […]
From Summer Swimmer to Year-round Athlete
We are quickly reaching, if not the end of the season for many leagues, at least the mid-way point (where does the time go??). It’s been a whirlwind of cheers and chants, snacks and backpacks, chlorine and cozy towels. And maybe, just maybe, your young athlete has caught the ‘swimming bug.’ Perhaps, they’re not quite […]
SwimTopia Summer Series: Key Player Parent Volunteers
Summer season 2022 is under way and we’re all embracing the glorious chaos! If you are a parent volunteer, you’re already in the thick of the action: arriving early at meets (a.k.a. The Crack of Dawn) for setup, darting here and there to gather kiddos for the ready bench, scrutinizing every race as a stroke […]