New Feature: Leagues Can Now Share Roles with Member Teams for Easy Communication

SwimTopia offers the boards of summer/recreational swim leagues free websites to help them manage the teams in their league. No matter how many teams in the league use SwimTopia, any league is eligible for a free website. Whether your league manages 6 teams, or 60, it’s helpful to have a central hub for league information, documents and contacts. SwimTopia provides an easy-to-use website for any league; and leagues where all teams use SwimTopia can take advantage of the many built-in league management features. As well as connecting any SwimTopia teams in the league to the league site for easy viewing of rosters, times, and liability waivers, leagues can now share roles with member teams and create communication groups for those roles.

SwimTopia league websites allow summer swim leagues to define roles for every team in the league (e.g. President, Head Coach, Computer Rep, etc.), and for teams to designate who fills that role on their team – through their SwimTopia website. When the league and the teams share roles it makes communication much easier, and makes updating roles for the team each year a breeze. Once each team has assigned the league role to a member of their team, the league automatically has a communication group for those representatives. For leagues where not all teams use SwimTopia, the team reps not on a SwimTopia team can register in the league SwimTopia site and be allocated to the role as well; so, all team reps, whether on a SwimTopia team or not, can receive the group communication from the league.

Imagine how easy life would be if every team in your league used the same swim team management software, and their sites and team rosters were linked to your league website. No more asking for roster files, no more asking for waiver paperwork, and no more asking teams for contact details for their head volunteers ­– all this and more would be readily available through your SwimTopia league website.

Let your league reps know about free SwimTopia league websites so they can start improving their work-flow, and decreasing their work-load, today. See the stories of some leagues that have adopted SwimTopia league-wide: Maverick Summer Swim League (TX), Swim Association Invitational League (SC).