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SwimTopia New Features: Heat Sheet Indicator

SwimTopia takes  pride in being a customer centric company. We try our best to consider customer feedback and implement it when possible. Most recently we updated the way heat sheets can be pushed to your teams. With the heat sheet indicator option you can send out heat sheets according to your preference.  Not only is […]

SwimTopia’s Summer Series: Dealing with DQs

The first meet of the season is quickly approaching (or already behind you in some states!)! Both new and returning swim parents often have many questions pre-season, several of which may involve “Disqualifications” (a.k.a. DQs). Returning parents might have encountered DQs in seasons past and new parents may be wondering what this “scary” acronym could […]

Mobile App Madness- SwimTopia’s Live Event/Heat Indicator

Summer is upon us and, if you’re a parent, we suspect you’re hustling to get everything organized for the swim season: stocking up on snacks, acquiring team attire, planning schedules, etc. It’s an exciting time and, perhaps, you’re most looking forward to the dynamic swim meet scene: team cheers, sharpie body art, and the almost […]

From Swimmer to Coach: Making Waves a Little Differently this Summer!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Summer season is almost underway and, as we move into these exciting months, SwimTopia recognizes some young swimmers might be embracing a new role, that of Junior Coach, Assistant Coach, or Coach. Junior coaches are typically middle to high school age athletes that may still participate in summer swim but also help instruct younger age […]

Why Choose Summer Swim Team?

Summertime is so near, we can feel its humid breath on our necks. As those longer days and warmer months approach, you might ask yourself a very important question: “How, exactly, am I going to entertain my kiddos until the fall??” SwimTopia’s staff is made up of many parents and, goodness, we understand this question […]