As the year comes to a close I’ve been reflecting on the year we’ve had at SwimTopia… Here’s our year in review:
We began 2016 in a flurry to create our new website. It was a huge job and a massive team effort and we think we pulled off a very nice, informative, new website as a result (if we do say so ourselves :))
For the first time we created testimonial videos, bringing in some of our long time customers to chat to them about how SwimTopia has worked for their teams. It was a great experience to hear their stories and realize we’ve really reduced the pain for swim teams all over the country.
Mason, Tracy, Lorin, and I traveled around the country, to Houston, Maryland, Virginia, and Denver, to see teams and talk to customers and potential customers alike. We enjoyed hearing first hand what SwimTopia features have worked for teams, and what areas they still want help with.
We answered help tickets, wrote code, sold teams, and generally worked hard to help swim teams make it through their summer seasons successfully. Our feature focus was on improving registration (adding age group limits and locking), volunteer management (adding item requests), reporting (adding CSV downloads), and league management.
The SwimTopia family enjoyed watching the Olympics and seeing some gold medals go to Olympians who started their careers on summer teams that now use SwimTopia. Way to go Simone Manuel, Missy Franklin and Katie Meili! I wrote some Olympic themed blogs on medal ties in Rio and a comparison of Aussie and US swimming.

And in another first, SwimTopia put together a team for the Colin’s Hope Got2Swim 10km down Lake Austin. I’ve done it before but it was great to have Mason and Tracy out on the lake with me. It’s such a meaningful day and Team SwimTopia 2016 raised nearly $2000 for Colin’s Hope and their drowning prevention and awareness programs.
So that’s our year in review! 2016 was a great year at SwimTopia. As the Holidays draw closer we’d like to wish you all a very happy Holiday Season and an excellent year ahead!